Personalized Stuffed Alien Sculpture

Personalized Stuffed Alien Sculpture

CHF 240.00

Handmade, choose your favourite alien, cooperation with the crochet artist 8arms2hug.

You haven’t found your perfect stuffed alien yet? No problem, we offer a special selection of aliens you can choose from which you can find here. Please also find some examples of stuffed aliens in the image section. Each alien is unique and will be created especially for you. There is also the possibility to get a stuffed alien of your very own alien which is inspired by your personality.

Choose your alien for the stuffed alien:
Own Alien:
Please add get your own alien to the cart as well.
Existing Alien: Please find a selection of available aliens here
Please note: You will be asked to enter the number of the alien after you clicked “ADD TO CART”. 

Product Details:
The stuffed aliens are crocheted mainly of cotton and are filled with anti allergic polyester flakes. The eyes are plastic but we also offer eyes suitable for younger children - Just let us know in the notes during checkout.

Each alien has its unique size, so only approximate measurements can be given. The approximate measurements are: Height: approx. 20 cm; Width: approx. 12 cm

This alien will be crocheted by 8arms2hug near Cologne.

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Up to six weeks depending on your country. See Shipping Details for information on the delivery time for your country.  You might now wonder why this takes so long. But we have a good reason for it - each alien is handmade and crocheted with love. Due to the fact that 8arms2hug is a person and not a machine we can’t really say for sure how long it will take. This is up to motivation and the alien you’ve chosen. Some are quicker to crochet than others. This is also the reason why this time frame is subject to change. But regardless if we will be quicker, on time or over time - you will stay in the loop.

Please keep in mind this is per item not per order. If you order e.g. 3 stuffed aliens and need it sooner than 18 weeks please send me a message upfront to ensure it is possible.


You can cancel any time without any explanation as long as 8arms2hug has not started to crochet your alien yet. After that I still accept returns. Please see the section “What if I don’t like it” for more information.


Even though your right of cancelation might not apply for most of my products/artworks, because they are highly customised, I generally accept returns within 2 weeks or if there is a special reason. Because for me it is important that my art makes you happy, so of course if you ordered the stuffed alien and you are not happy with it I will take it back. It would mean a lot to me if you could take the time to drop me an email to share the reason for your unhappiness with me, so that I can further improve my products/artworks. Please don’t misuse this offer because it could lead to closing this shop. Thank you for your support.

For further more legal sounding information check out the cancelation policy.


This shop is hosted on squarespace, so when ordering this product/artwork your personal data will be accessible by squarespace and me - noizybutpurple.  It will also be shared with 8arms2hug. I will use your email address to keep you informed on the status of your order. Your name and postal address will be used by 8arms2hug to send the finished crochet alien to you.

For further more legal sounding information check out our privacy policy
If you want to know how squarespace treats your personal data check out their privacy policy.